Modern Work /

Employee Experience Platforms

Boost Well-Being And Productivity Through Fostering Connectivity, Learning, Insights, And Alignment With Your Business Goals

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What is an Employee Experience Platform?

In today’s workplace, you need new tools for your organisation to do well. Employee Experience Platforms (EXP), help connect people and teams, providing more understanding, direction, purpose, and progress for your organisation.

Employee Experienced platforms are designed for ease of use and aligns with your brand, supporting growth from onboarding to performance management. With features such as employees surveys, learning management, and recognition tools, you can empower your workforce to be more productive, engaged, and satisfied.

Your challenges

Inefficient Communication and Collaboration

Confronting the drawbacks of inefficient communication channels and fragmented collaboration tools. Seamlessly Integrate People, Content & Tools with an EXP. Work together and share information, plus promote employee engagement with social networking tools and surveys.


Difficulties adapting to Remote Work

We offer a proven methodology for designing and implementing modern work solutions that are agile and scalable. Automate tasks, streamline processes and provide your team with the tools they need to work smarter. Smart Workplace can help you work more efficiently.

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Security and Compliance issues

Employee Experience Platforms provide features such as site permissions management, audit logging, and data encryption to secure critical information. Our Smart Workplace solution is also aligned with Microsoft’s security and compliance standards.

The SMART Workplace offering

Discover the future of work with SMART Workplace, a cutting-edge solution tailored for the modern hybrid workplace. It provides a variety of benefits, including enhanced value and functionality, seamless integration of people, content, and tools, an engaging and mobile solution, a proven methodology, user-centric design, and governance capabilities.

Protect your critical information assets while minimising risk by improving governance. Our SMART Workplace can also serve as a governance template for your organisation’s Microsoft Viva, Teams, and SharePoint sites.

Create a more consistent and efficient collaboration environment to save time and effort. The Spanish Point Provisioning Engine is included in the SMART Workplace package. It ensures consistent creation of collaboration workspaces with shared aesthetics, specific permissions, metadata, and common site features.

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We're Here to Help

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Discovery Workshop

A free one-day workshop with Spanish Point Senior Practice Lead. Invite your key business and/or technology owners to discuss needs and how to create and engaging, mobile Employee Experience Platforms EXP (intranet) and digital workspace collaboration solution.


Microsoft Trusted Partner

Spanish Point has an Agile Approach for the design and development of your Employee Experience Platform solution.

We will agree on an exploratory design work together with a demonstrable pilot solution and the follow up with a series of defined work packages to meet your business objectives and milestones.

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How to get started

Contact our team to learn more about our Design Pilot EXP. Also you can enquire if you’re eligible for Microsoft Funding!

Reimagine your culture and employee experience

Are you ready to Elevate your Productivity, Connectivity, and Security? Get in touch with our experts and discover the future of work with Smart Workplace.