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Reasons Why You Should Modernise your Legacy Applications with Microsoft Power Platform

by Spanish Point - Feb 23, 2024
Reasons Why You Should Modernise your Legacy Applications with Microsoft Power Platform

What do we mean by legacy applications? These are outdated software systems or applications that have been in use for a significant period and are no longer fully supported or updated by their developers. The influence of legacy systems impacts various industries and sectors, profoundly affecting their operations:

Given these challenges, businesses are faced with a crucial question: What steps can be taken to mitigate the adverse effects of legacy applications and pave the way for a more agile, resilient IT infrastructure?

This is where Microsoft Power Platform can help – a comprehensive suite of tools designed to empower organisations in their journey towards application modernisation and digital transformation. By harnessing the capabilities of the Microsoft low-code platform, businesses can unlock many benefits, from improved agility and scalability to improved collaboration and innovation.

What is Microsoft Power Platform? 

The Power Platform, which consists of Power Apps, Power Automate, Power BI, and Power Virtual Agents, offers a comprehensive suite of tools to empower users to develop custom applications, automate workflows, analyse data, and create chatbots, thereby improving efficiency, agility, and innovation within their organisations.

Through its low-code or no-code capabilities, organisations can empower both citizen developers and IT professionals to swiftly build and deploy tailored applications. This democratisation of app development accelerates innovation while alleviating the burden on IT departments, meaning they can concentrate on strategic initiatives rather than routine maintenance tasks.

Benefits of Power Platform for Application Modernisation

The benefits of Power Platform do not stop there, with several other benefits of Power Platform for modernising applications:

1.   Reducing Technical Debt: Addressing technical debt is crucial for maintaining the long-term health and performance of applications. Technical debt accumulates over time due to shortcuts, outdated code, and postponed updates. Organisations can systematically identify and resolve technical debt issues using the Power Platform for modernisation. This may involve refactoring code, optimising databases, and updating outdated dependencies. By reducing technical debt, organisations improve their applications’ stability, scalability, and maintainability, laying a solid foundation for future development and innovation.

2.   Security and Compliance: Security and compliance are top priorities for organisations, especially in industries with stringent regulatory requirements. The Power Platform offers robust security features such as role-based access control (RBAC), data encryption, and comprehensive audit trails. RBAC ensures that users only have access to the resources they need, reducing the risk of unauthorised access. Data encryption protects sensitive information from unauthorised disclosure, while audit trails provide visibility into user actions for compliance purposes. By leveraging these security features, organisations can ensure that their modernised applications meet industry standards and regulatory requirements, safeguard sensitive data, and protect against potential breaches.

Get in touch today to explore how Microsoft Power Platform can revolutionise your application modernisation journey!

3.   Lowering Costs: Legacy systems often incur high maintenance and operational costs due to outdated infrastructure, manual processes, and complex integrations. Modernising with the Power Platform enables organisations to streamline operations, automate repetitive tasks, and optimise resource utilisation. For example, manual data entry can be replaced with automated workflows, reducing errors, and saving time. Additionally, the Power Platform’s pay-as-you-go pricing model allows organisations to scale resources according to their needs, avoiding unnecessary expenses associated with over-provisioning. By lowering costs, organisations can reallocate resources to strategic initiatives such as innovation and growth, driving overall business success.

4.   Interoperability: Interoperability is essential for integrating modernised applications with existing systems and cloud services. The Power Platform offers seamless integration capabilities, allowing organisations to connect with a wide range of data sources, applications, and services. This interoperability ensures that modernised applications can coexist with legacy systems while leveraging the benefits of cloud computing and emerging technologies. Organisations can modernise their IT infrastructure without disrupting ongoing operations by modernising with the Power Platform, enabling a smooth transition to a more agile and resilient environment.

5.   Boosting Productivity: Employee productivity is crucial for business success, and legacy applications can hinder productivity due to outdated interfaces and inefficient workflows. By modernising with the Power Platform, organisations can empower employees with intuitive, user-friendly applications that streamline workflows, automate routine tasks, and provide actionable insights. For example, manual data entry processes can be replaced with automated forms, reducing errors, and freeing up time for more strategic tasks. This improved usability and functionality not only enhance employee satisfaction but also drive productivity and efficiency across the organisation, ultimately contributing to overall business success.

Overall, the Power Platform serves as a catalyst for organisations seeking to adapt to the complexities of the digital age. It offers a path to agility, scalability, and improved collaboration so that businesses can overcome the challenges posed by legacy applications and thrive in today’s dynamic business environment.